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Folk/Singer Songwriter


Føroyskt: ‘Endurspíring’ er ein longsla eftir at sleppa undan gerandisdegnum og gerast partur av nøkrum betri. Tað er eisini ein samanhangandi forteljing um stríðið, sum fylgir við at ferðast út í nakað ókent. Í ‘Endurspíring’ ivast eg-persónurin ofta í, um hann hevur tikið rætta valið, og megnar ikki at dvala í friðsæluni leingi. Løgini fara frá teimum heilt stillu, inniligu og dreymakendu, til tey heilt harðu, óttafullu og ráu.

English: ‘Endurspíring’ is a longing to escape the mundane and become part of something greater. It is also a continuous narrative about the struggle of venturing out into something unknown. In ‘Endurspíring’, the protagonist often questions if he has made the right choice, and doesn’t manage to stay in bliss for long. The tunes go from being entirely quiet, sincere and dream-like, to overly loud, eerie and raw. Mað(k)ur often uses symbolism in his lyrics that reference nature; and, like nature, the music that Mað(k)ur creates is natural, raw and emotional. Above all, Mað(k)ur loves to create and to tell stories.

1. Inniljóð
2. Car Song
3. Ignorant Customer
4. The Monotone Man
5. Eg eri her enn
6. Morgun (andipausa)
7. Tú sást meg naknan
8. Tann dagin, eg fann ljósið
9. Legg tínar røtur um meg
10. Tak meg við tær
11. Eg eri urt
12. Mosin
13. Tak meg aftur

Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).
You can check it out by using this link: https://bfan.link/endurspiring