kann eg hava armin soleiðis her? – Dania O. Tausen

Producer catalogue: HJF641a
Production year: 2023
Tracks: 1


About kann eg hava armin soleiðis her?

You may have asked someone this question at some point in your life. Maybe on a crowded airplane, in a small car or on a tiny sofa. Sometimes there’s just not enough space for our arms! Where do we put them?

“Can I have my arm like this?” said by the right person, can be a very sweet sound. That is the intensity the song wants to capture. It is a greeting to new beginnings, early stage relationships with uncertainties and innocence, where this sentence can be the beginning of something bigger, the starting point of a journey for two people feeling comfortable in each other’s company.

“kann eg hava armin soleiðis her?” is Dania O. Tausen’s 1st single of her upcoming 13-track album yes / no – and the rest of the week, which is to be released this fall where Dania will be touring around mid-Europe together with the Icelandic band, Supersport!

When Dania was a child she would always strike this pose (as on the single cover) when someone took a picture of her. She found the pose cute and mysterious while her arms formed some sort of a heart. On the release day, a music video will premiere on Youtube, with visuals based on these arm-gestures. With Dania herself as main-character and director, the music video shows many different (all red-headed) people exploring poses with
their bodies throughout the song.

Released on the following formats
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). You can check it out on with this link: https://bfan.link/armin-soleidis-her

Watch the music video here:

kann eg hava armin soleiðis her?

Words: Dania O. Tausen
Music: Dania O. Tausen, Ragnar Finsson, Benjamin Djurhuus

millum meg og tómrúmið
flúgva vit
í ymiskum førum
vakna vit

skýggini tey hvíla seg
og liggja vit
á hvør sínum herðum
blíva til
í ymiskum verðum

kann eg hava armin soleiðis her?
kann eg hava armin soleiðis her?
ella vilt tú heldur halda um meg?

eg havi longu avgjørt tað
verða vit
eg sakni teg longu

eg haldi bara gott um teg
eg hopi tú
veitst hvar vit fara

kann eg hava armin soleiðis her?
soleiðs her?
kann eg hava armin soleiðis her?
ella vilt tú heldur halda um meg?

veit ikki hvør eg eri enn
men eri til
í tínum eygum
renna vit
í móti hvørjum øðrum

kann eg hava armin soleiðis her?
kann eg hava armin soleiðis her?
kann eg hava armin soleiðis her?
kann eg hava armin soleiðis her?


Composers and Authors

Dania O. Tausen

(author, composer)

Ragnar Finsson



Benjamin D. Djurhuus

(bass, guitars, synth)

Ragnar Finsson

(guitars, percussion, banjo)


Ragnar Finsson


Dania O. Tausen

(production, cover)

Finnur Hansen


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