Eg eri urt – Mað(k)ur
Føroyskt: Í ‘Eg eri urt’ skiftir tempoið millum tað villa og tað heilt seina. Kensluliga fer hann frá hjartabankandi ótta til heilt dreymakenda friðsælu. ‘Eg eri urt’ er ein sangur um at vera í einari støðu, har mann fer í panikk, tí mann einki skilur. Alt broytist rundanum teg, og tú hevur einki annað val enn at royna at fáa skil á tað og góðtaka tað. Tað kennist samstundis deiligt og óhugnaligt. Men har er eingin vegur aftur.
English: The tempo in ‘Eg eri urt’ changes from crazy fast to very slow. Emotionally, it changes from heart-pounding fear to a dream-like idyl. ‘Eg eri urt’ is a song about being in a situation where you are in a state of panic, because you don’t understand a thing. Everything is changing around you, and you have no choice but to try to make sense of everything and accept it. It simultaneously feels nice and terrifying. But there is no way back.
Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).
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