Ismália – Andras Atlason

Producer catalogue: FKT080f
Production year: 2022
Tracks: 1


About Ismália

An omen of death. This is one of the ways one could describe “Ismália”, a poem by Brazilian symbolist poet Alphonsus de Guimaraens. Carrying us through the nocturnal symbols of the moon, the night sky, the sea, the angel and the tower, the suggestion of death is always lurking as an underlying theme to the poem for the “woman gone mad”. On this song, Andras Atlason provides a rich arrangement which, with frequent changes in tempo, texture, tonal center and instrumentation, attempts to illustrate the stark narrative of the original poem in its different shades of colour and expression; a song as “close to the sky” as “far from the sea”.

Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). You can check it out by using this link:



Words: Alphonsus de Guimaraens
Music: Andras Atlason

Quando Ismália enlouqueceu
Pôs-se na torre a sonhar
Viu uma lua no céu
Viu outra lua no mar

No sonho em que se perdeu
Banhou-se toda em luar
Queria subir ao céu
Queria descer ao mar

E num desvario seu
Na torre pôs-se a cantar
Estava perto do céu
Estava longe do mar

E como um anjo pendeu
As asas para voar
Queria a lua do céu
Queria a lua do mar

As asas que Deus lhe deu
Ruflaram de par em par
Sua alma subiu ao céu
Seu corpo desceu ao mar


Composers and Authors


Andras Atlason

(vocals, keys, bass, guitar)


Andras Atlason

(arrangement, production, mix)

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