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Kristian Blak

About Ha-ha oyggin

“Abbi, kanst tú fortelja eina søgu?” – Abbi (Grandpa), would you tell me a story, asks a 6 year old granddaughter. This is how the story of the two – Hamster and Hare meet and become friends. They decide to go on an adventure, where they meet Beaver, Giraffe, Squirrel and others. They come to an island in a river and name it after themselves: Ha-Ha oyggin (Ha-Ha Island). They return home as good friends on a flying carpet.

Abbi is  – in real life – Kristian Blak, and granddaugter is – also in real life – then 6 year old Rán. Kristian has told many stories like this all his life, and some of them, he has presented as musical tales, usually together with good friends. Nósi is one, and actually – Kristian’s very first album is Nu ska vi u å sejle (Tutl, 1977).

On Ha-Ha oyggin there are 12 songs, written by Anny Blak, Katrina Olsen and Kristian Blak. There are 15 musicians performing all together. Most lyrics are written by children and drawings for the cover are all by Alexandra, Sharon, Anny and Rán – four of Kristian’s granddaughters.

0. Inngangur
1. Hamstarin
2. Gongulag
3. Kornini
4. Vatntaxabævus
5. Giraffur og íkorni
6. Sólin er eitt lítið hús

7. Einar Einabúgvi
8. Smáttan
9. Vestan fyri Mykines
10. Flúgvandi teppið
11. Vinalag
12. Hamstarin II

Jákup Veyhe: “Hamstarin”
Katrina Olsen: “Haran”
Rán Blak Øster: “Rán”
Benjamin Petersen: “Bævus”
Eyðbjørg Dalsgaard: ”Súlan”
Kristian Blak: “Abbi, Einar Einabúgvi & djór og fuglar í skóginum”

Released on the following formats:
CD and digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). You can check it out by using this link: https://bfan.link/haha-oyggin

The vinyl record will be released in February.