ex-friends – jazzygold

Katalognummar: HJF671e
Útgávuár: 2024
Sangir: 1

Vørunummar: HJF671f Bólkar: , , Tag:



Onkuntíð er tað ikki ein fyrrverandi, sum fuckar teg mest upp – tað eru vinirnir, tú helt, at tú altíð kundi stóla uppá. ex-friends er mátin hjá jazzygold at kalla tey følsku vinarbondini út, sum lótu hana savna brotnu pettini upp. Tað er ein sangur um svik, grøðing og at innsíggja, at tey fólkini, sum eru tær nærmast, kunnu vera tey mest eitrandi. Hetta lagið er til øll, sum hava lært, hvussu vinarbrot kunnu særa meira enn nakað parforholdsdrama. Men tað snýr seg eisini um at taka valdið aftur, at byggja seg sjálvan uppaftur og at minna seg á at karma nokk skal klára restina.Um tú nakrantíð hevur verið niðurlagdur av fólki, sum áttu at havt ryggin á tær, so er ex-friends tín sangur. Onkuntíð er tað besta, sum kann henda, at missa fólk – halt tín sirkul góðan og erligan. ’24 er veruliga árið hjá jazzygold.

Talgilt (Spotify, Youtube, Apple Music, etc.).
Lurta her: https://bfan.link/homerun


Words: Jasmin Mote
Music: Jasmin Mote & Daniel Hedberg

We’re done
should’ve cut you off when you were slipping
my bad
for waiting so damn long for my beginnings

wanted them to pick me
guess they were to scared
never been a bitch but
yeah it made me mad so
watch out
karma always finds her way back home to you
(Oh no I ended up blocking her)

Know she told you stories
and then painted me as the villian
you can’t run i know you know
it’s you who put me in this position

4 years in i’m rebuilding my shit
cause i won’t let you win no
i’m 25 and finding out
it wasn’t ex-lovers who broke me no
this ones for my ex-friends

to be real it’s like a vaccine
had to poison myself to see uh (flowing through my body yeah)
that the closest ones around me
Always were the toxic seed (through my veins)

wanted them to pick me
guess they were to scared
never been a bitch but
yeah it made me mad (so please)
watch out
karma always finds her way back home to you
(So I guess i’m good)

Know she told you stories
and then painted me as the villian
you can’t run i know you know
it’s you who put me in this position

honey you can’t run
yeah trust me i will know
oh karma comes back home
it’s you who put me in this position
in this position

Know she told you stories
and then painted me as the villian
you can’t run i know you know
it’s you who put me in this position

4 years in i’m rebuilding my shit
cause i won’t let you win no
i’m 25 and finding out
it wasn’t ex-lovers who broke me no
this one’s for my ex-friends

I’m proud of where i am
proud of all my friends
who stayed until the end
you the realest ones i know yeah
i love you that’s for sure
‘24 is our year
i love you thats for sure yeah


Composers and Authors

Jasmin Mote

(orð & lag)


Daniel Hedberg

(Bass, synth, gittar)


Daniel Hedberg

(framleiðsla, ljóðbland, frumband)

Jasmin Mote


Dania O. Tausen

(myndaviðgerð, visuelt hugskot)

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