it’s been a while – jazzygold

kr. 40kr. 159

Katalognummar: HJF671
Útgávuár: 2025
Sangir: 6

Vørunummar: HJF671 Bólkar: , , Tag:


it’s been a while

Debut EPin hjá jazzygold er eitt savn við seks løgum, ið taka lurtaran við á eina inniliga ferð gjøgnum tema um samleika, mótstøðuføri og sjálvuppdagan, og fangar kjarnuna í søguni hjá jazzygold í ráum, inniligum tekstum og stemningsfullum ljóðmyndum. Hvørt lag avdúkar ein nýggjan kapittul í hennara menning, frá sárbærum løtum til kraftmikla umfevnan av sjálvsvirði.

it’s been a while stendst av stakløgum sum homerun, ex-friends og gold, hvørt eitt glimmur í menningarferðini hjá jazzygold. Hendan EPin er meira enn tónleikur – hon er eitt persónligt prógv uppá upplivingarnar, sum hava myndað hana, og gevur lurtarunum møguleika at hugleiða, knýta saman og finna styrki í teirra egnu søgum.

Ver við í hesi kenslubornu og rørandi upplivingini – Kava inn, og lat hennara tónleik geva tær íblástur til at kanna tína egnu ferð.

Fløgurnar eru heimagjørdar av jazzygold sjálvari. Vinylið er gull (sjálvandi) og har er eisini ein plakat, sum kann keypast við síðuna av.

1. welcome to my head
2. homerun
3. ex-friends
4. here for the ride
5. we’re alright
6. gold

Talgilt (Spotify, Youtube, Apple Music, etc.).
Lurta her:

Videolagið fyri “welcome to my head”:


Meiri kunning



welcome to my head

Words: Jasmin Mote
Music: Jasmin Mote & Daniel Hedberg

welcome to my head, it can get messy
tried to clean but shit i’m always stressing
my girl just had a baby, what a blessing
in my head, damn, i swear that we’re still eighteen

everyone i know are doing big things
running this race, just like it’s nothing
trynna catch up and just do something
be creative, have a plan but it’s not working so

they’re off to the stars
while i’m stuck up on mars

(oh) jealousy creeping
(oh no) look how she’s lurking
I try not to care, i say it’s all fair
I know their win is not my loss but still i compare oh no
jealousy creeping

here we are, i told you it gets messy
told my therapist that i can’t stop obsessing cause
everyone i know are doing big things
running this race, just like it’s nothing

they’re off to the stars
while i’m stuck up on mars

(oh) jealousy creeping
(oh no) look how she’s lurking
I try not to care, i say it’s all fair
I know their win is not my loss but still i compare oh no
jealousy creeping



Words: Jasmin Mote
Music: Jasmin Mote & Daniel Hedberg

i’m from a good home, curly hair, growing up
but as a kid, didn’t know, what to do with it
closed up, didn’t know what to feel

cause there was only
straight hair in the all white neighbourhood
tried to fit in and do the best that i could
my brown skin got me misunderstood

i’m playing with the cards that i’ve been dealt
and if it’s not the best hand that’s okay
i’m ready for whatever it may bring

(ready for it all)

I’m swinging every shot can’t miss em all
It’s gonna take some time might even fall
i’m ready for whatever it may bring

(ready for it all)

Shoutout to my sisters
I know it’s hard but you’re trying to
Shoutout to my brother
For taking on the role my dad couldn’t do

Many hearts broken
But my mom glued them all in one
So now we’re out here fighting
Tryna’ make this our best homerun

Grateful for the love that i got
praying for the ones that we lost
but somehow feeling guilty
that shit ain’t always easy so

I’m swinging every shot, can’t miss them all
It’s gonna take some time, might even fall
But i’m ready for whatever life/it may bring

Shoutout to my sisters
I know it’s hard but you’re trying to
Shoutout to my brother
For taking on the role my dad couldn’t do

Many hearts broken
But my mom glued them all in one
So now we’re out here fighting
Tryna’ make this our best home-run

Tryna’ make this our best homerun
best homerun
tryna’ make this our best homerun
best homerun

Shoutout to my sisters
I know it’s hard but you’re trying to
Shoutout to my brother
For taking on the role my dad couldn’t do

Many hearts broken
But my mom glued them all in one
So now we’re out here fighting
Tryna’ make this our best homerun



Words: Jasmin Mote
Music: Jasmin Mote & Daniel Hedberg

We’re done
should’ve cut you off when you were slipping
my bad
for waiting so damn long for my beginnings

wanted them to pick me
guess they were to scared
never been a bitch but
yeah it made me mad so
watch out
karma always finds her way back home to you
(Oh no I ended up blocking her)

Know she told you stories
and then painted me as the villian
you can’t run i know you know
it’s you who put me in this position

4 years in i’m rebuilding my shit
cause i won’t let you win no
i’m 25 and finding out
it wasn’t ex-lovers who broke me no
this ones for my ex-friends

to be real it’s like a vaccine
had to poison myself to see uh (flowing through my body yeah)
that the closest ones around me
Always were the toxic seed (through my veins)

wanted them to pick me
guess they were to scared
never been a bitch but
yeah it made me mad (so please)
watch out
karma always finds her way back home to you
(So I guess i’m good)

Know she told you stories
and then painted me as the villian
you can’t run i know you know
it’s you who put me in this position

honey you can’t run
yeah trust me i will know
oh karma comes back home
it’s you who put me in this position
in this position

Know she told you stories
and then painted me as the villian
you can’t run i know you know
it’s you who put me in this position

4 years in i’m rebuilding my shit
cause i won’t let you win no
i’m 25 and finding out
it wasn’t ex-lovers who broke me no
this one’s for my ex-friends

I’m proud of where i am
proud of all my friends
who stayed until the end
you the realest ones i know yeah
i love you that’s for sure
‘24 is our year
i love you thats for sure yeah

here for the ride

Words: Jasmin Mote
Music: Jasmin Mote & Daniel Hedberg

fuck this week, i need good good company
call the girls, and i’ll bring the shots with me
My boss hit me up oh no no
turning off my stupid phone
cause i got my baggy jeans on
don’t leave me hangin, hold on

Called the taxi, cause we won’t be driving
It’s my clique, so there won’t be no crying

(Dancing, we’re here for the ride)
Feels so good being alive yeah

(Leave all the worries behind)
Go on and tell’em goodbye

(tonight is all about highs)
Trust me we’re gonna go higher

(Dancing, we’re here for the ride
Leave all the worries behind)

I need to hit the club, i’ve been feeling so lonely
Maybe fall in love, my life gets so boring

(leave all the worries behind)


(Dancing, we’re here for the ride
Leave all the worries behind)

Honey we’re here for the ride

Spilling drinks, so keep pouring up for me
No limits, baby, no rules apply, celebrate
and come taste this life
shake it off, and go leave it far from me
We got the green light baby, so don’t be shy,

Called the taxi, cause we won’t be driving
It’s my clique, so there won’t be no crying

(Dancing, we’re here for the ride)
Feels so good being alive yeah

(Leave all the worries behind)
Go on and tell’em goodbye

(tonight is all about highs)
Trust me we’re gonna go higher

(Dancing, we’re here for the ride
Leave all the worries behind)

I need to hit the club, i’ve been feeling so lonely
Maybe fall in love, my life gets so boring

(leave all the worries behind)


(Dancing, we’re here for the ride
Leave all the worries behind)

Honey we’re here for the ride

Call the taxi cause i’m getting tired
Missed my chance, i’m no longer excited,
call the taxi cause i’m getting tired
Miss my bed

we’re alright

Words: Jasmin Mote
Music: Jasmin Mote & Daniel Hedberg

i’m not that religous, you know
but you must be sent from god himself yeah
your energy is bright my dear hmm
lifting up my heavy bags yeah

i feel home
in your arms
make me sway
fly away
(fly away fly away)

i feel home
i’m in love
More and more
(everyday everday)

future’s looking bright
believe me i will fight yeah
trust me when i say we’re all right


Maybe it will take some time
But i see all the signs yeah
Believe me when i say we’re all right

I felt cold before thank god that it got turned around
No more standing on the edge and always feeling sad
Now It’s the little things from day to day that keep me warm
Leaving traces at the house, like hey i’m not alone

i feel home
in your arms
make me sway
fly away
(fly away fly away)

i feel home
i’m in love
More and more
(everyday everday)

future’s looking bright
believe me i will fight yeah
trust me when i say we’re all right


Maybe it will take some time
But i see all the signs yeah
Believe me when i say we’re all right

when i say we’re alright
trust me we’ll be just fine

future’s looking bright
believe me i will fight yeah
trust me when i say we’re alright


Words: Jasmin Mote
Music: Jasmin Mote & Daniel Hedberg

starting now i’m only listening to me
sick and tired of people telling me who i should be
little Jazzy always out of line
too loud, wanted that spotlight
Older me learned how to stay in line
too shy needed to speak up my mind so

i would try and make sense of it
but she was never happy being someone else but her
(so my)
intuition took control of it
stepped it up now i’m on a ride
stayed in touch and walked with my pride
Look at her go

cause they thought i couldn’t
but here i am spreading my gold
they’ll never mess with my flow
knowing that i am the next one,
acting like i own the world yeah

see mom i’m spreading my gold
showing you all how it’s done yeah
even though i’ve just begun huh,
i’ll take over, and win and be the one

little jazzy we should take a walk
I’ll hold your hand, come on, let’s have a talk
promise life will be beautiful
full of love and you’ll be so Grateful

Now everything makes sense, dont it? (Doesn’t it?)
stepped it up now i’m on a ride
stayed in touch and walked with my pride

look at her go

Cause they thought i couldn’t
but here i am spreading my gold
they’ll never mess with my flow
knowing that i am the next one, // ever since i was a girl huh,
acting like i own the world yeah

See mom i’m spreading my gold // look mom
Showing you all how it’s done yeah
Even though i’ve just begun huh,
I’ll take over, and win and be the one // and i’ll be the one
Spreading my gold

Been working hard i’ve earned it
They’re me asking me how i did it
Stay focused and repeat it, repeat it yeahhh
So they’ll never mess with my flow
They’re asking me how i did it, i did it

cause they thought i couldn’t but here i am spreading my…


Composers and Authors

Jasmin Mote

(orð & lag)


Daniel Hedberg



Daniel Hedberg

(framleiðsla, ljóðbland, frumband)

Jasmin Mote


Dania O. Tausen

(myndatøka, videoløg)

Laila Mote

(grafiskt design)

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