Concrete Walls – Uni Debess

Katalognummar: HJF698a
Útgávuár: 2024
Sangir: 1

Vørunummar: HJF698a Bólkar: , , Tag:


Concrete Walls

Tað eru fýra ár liðin síðan seinastu útgávu hjá Uni Debess, men nú er hann klárur við sínum fyrsta staklag av fløguni RED, sum kemur út seinni í ár. “Concrete Walls” eitur staklagið. Lagið er rock-blues við einum lekkrun groove og einum fangandi kóri.

Talgilt (Spotify, Youtube, Apple Music, etc.).
Lurta her:

Concrete Walls

Orð: Uni Debess
Lag: Uni Debess

The rain is pouring down as I’m walking down the lane.
My baby doesn’t love me and it’s driving me insane.
She says that I’m lazy and I look just like a fool
And she only keeps me around to make her look cool.

Oh yeah
Are you having fun baby?

So I’m drifting around in the crowded street
But there ain’t no roads in this town that can cure my feet.
I’m tired of all the trouble and the growing doubt.
As far as I can see there ain’t no easy way out.

Oh yeah
Are you having fun baby?
Oh yeah
You really got me on the run baby.

Concrete walls are falling on my head.
Feels like concrete walls are falling on my head.
Concrete walls are falling on my head.
Falling down
Down to the ground.

I’m moving around from town to town
Searching for a way to simmer down.
I’m trying to escape from the painful truth
But the runaway thing ain’t really bulletproof.

Oh yeah
Are you having fun baby?
Oh yeah
You really got me to run baby.

Concrete walls are falling on my head.
Feels like concrete walls are falling on my head.
Concrete walls are falling on my head.
Falling down
Down to the ground.


Composers and Authors

Uni Debess

(orð, lag)


Uni Debess

(forsangari, gittar, bass)

Finnur Hansen

(keyboards, kór)

Rógvi á Rógvu

(trummur, slagverk)


Uni Debess


Finnur Hansen

(upptøkur, kórskipan, ljóðbland)

Óli Poulsen


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