Regards To The Roots, Vol. 1 – Uni Debess

kr. 95

Vørunummar: HJF498 Bólkur: Tag:


Uni Debess has this to say about his latest album, “Regards To The Roots Vol. 1”: «It is the first of a series of three albums I am recording in the Faroe Islands, with a selection of songs fundamental to my music today. In my early days, I covered a range of blues artists and their songs, always making them my own, while developing my own sound. “Regards To The Roots” is a kind of thank you to them. In my home country, dark, stormy winters stand in stark contrast with the long, bright and gentle summers. I want ”Regards To The Roots” to reach as wide an audience as I can in order to convey the deep influences that living on the edge, in the wild and beautiful Faroe Islands, has on my blues music.»

With 10 released albums, nominated for best band, and winner of the Faroese Music Grand Prix, Uni Debess is one of the most popular and active, blues musicians from the North Atlantic archipelago of the Faroe Islands. Having established himself in his youth in the Faroes as a blues singer, songwriter and prolific guitarist, Uni Debess has since 2003 toured extensively, in countries including Canada, UK, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Greenland and Spain. While the majority of his 10 released albums comprise original material, Uni Debess is now releasing his 11th album where he interprets old blues songs from artists such as Robert Johnson, Jimi Hendrix, Willie Dixon, John Lee Hooker, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and many more.

1. Blue Suede Shoes
2. Boom Boom
3. Love In Vain
4. Baby Please Don’t Go
5. Pride And Joy
6. Red House
7. If I Had Possession Over Judgment Day
8. Talk To Your Daughter
9. 3’o Clock Blues
10. I’m Ready
11. Black Magic Woman

Released on the following formats:
CD. See purchase button below.

Digitally as stream and download. See the player below, where you can listen to snippets of the tracks.

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