Red – Uni Debess

kr. 103

Katalognummar: HJF698
Útgávuár: 2024
Sangir: 9

Vørunummar: HJF698 Bólkar: , , Tag:



Trettanada útgávan eftir Una Debess, Red, er annar partur av trilogiini, RED YELLOW GREEN.
Útgávan Green, kom út í 2016, og síðani skuldi tađ ganga 8 ár, áðrenn Red kom út. Hon er heldur harðari enn undanfarna útgávan, og eisni setur hon meira krittiskar spurningar til samfelagið, og tað modernađa lívið.


  1. Cold Night Blues
  2. Donk Donk
  3. Concrete Walls
  4. Little Doline
  5. Where Are We Going
  6. Trouble
  7. The Fire
  8. Manipulation
  9. The Party

CD, talgilt (Spotify, Youtube, Apple Music, osfr.).
Lurta her:


Orð: Uni Debess
Lag: Uni Debess

1. Cold Night Blues

The night is cold
When you’re sitting all alone.
An empty bottle of wine
And a broken glass.

The voice in my head
Is going wild

Hey baby
Is everything okay?
It’s been so long since I saw you.

All these broken thoughts
Are flying round in the air.
Oh won’t you please make it stop?
Save me from my despair.

The voice in my head
Is going wild

I’m thinking.
Could we meet like we used to
Talk and laugh
Just have a good time
Remembering the old days and stuff?

I’m on the grind.
Wanna leave the story behind

2. Donk Donk

The donking train
Yeah all year long.
The donking train
Yeah all year long.

Through the fields of boredom
I struggle to survive.
With muddy rain and heavy wind in my face
I wish this spell was lie.

Donk donk donk goes the train
Every day goes on and on.
Donk donk donk goes the train
Will it ever sing another song?

Where am I going?
Will I ever be free?

You’re singing the songs of freedom.
It’s just spreading your despair.
Just look about yeah there is no one around
Who seeks comfort in your fear?

Donk donk donk goes the train
Every day and all year long.
Donk donk donk goes the train
Will it ever sing another song?

Where am I going?
Will I ever be free?

Donk donk donk goes the train
Every day goes on and on.
Donk donk donk goes the train
Will there ever be another song?

Where am I going?
Will I ever be free?

Where am I going?
Will I ever be free?

3. Concrete Walls

The rain is pouring down as I’m walking down the lane.
My baby doesn’t love me and it’s driving me insane.
She says that I’m lazy and I look just like a fool
And she only keeps me around to make her look cool.

Oh yeah
Are you having fun baby?

So I’m drifting around in the crowded street
But there ain’t no roads in this town that can cure my feet.
I’m tired of all the trouble and the growing doubt.
As far as I can see there ain’t no easy way out.

Oh yeah
Are you having fun baby?
Oh yeah
You really got me on the run baby.

Concrete walls are falling on my head.
Feels like concrete walls are falling on my head.
Concrete walls are falling on my head.
Falling down
Down to the ground.

I’m moving around from town to town
Searching for a way to simmer down.
I’m trying to escape from the painful truth
But the runaway thing ain’t really bulletproof.

Oh yeah
Are you having fun baby?
Oh yeah
You really got me to run baby.

Concrete walls are falling on my head.
Feels like concrete walls are falling on my head.
Concrete walls are falling on my head.
Falling down
Down to the ground.

4. Little Doline

Little Doline
She’s the Queen of Mean.

I know a woman
By the end of the road
She gives you love drinks
So your mind implodes.

Little Doline
She’s the Queen of Mean.

If you get tempted
She’ll cast a spell
And drag you down
All the way down to Hell.

Little Doline
She’s the Queen of Mean.

I want to be free
But I’m stuck in the web
Of a blood thirsty blood sucking beast.

The thirst of pleasure
Will do you wrong
But follow your heart
And forever you’ll be strong.

Little Doline
She’s the Queen of Mean.

I want to be free
But I’m stuck in the web
Of a blood thirsty blood sucking beast.

5. Where Are We Going

Trouble is raining
On our troubled souls
Where are we going?
Did we lose the shoal?

Red traffic lights
Blinding our myopic eyes.
Where are we going?
Did we follow a lie?

We’re standing together
Look in different directions
While the fast growing selfishness
Is dragging us
Back to the sea.

All our dreams are gone.
Only the facts remain.
Where are we going?
Dragging these heavy chains.

The question has no answer.
The degradation has begun.
But where are we going?
Oh lord
What have we done?

We’re standing together
Look in different directions
While the fast growing selfishness
Is dragging us.

We’re standing together
Look in different directions
While the fast growing selfishness
Is dragging us
Back to the sea.

6. Trouble

We’re walking down the street
With a vision in our eyes
Singing songs
Of independence
Swallowing new age commercials
Romanticizing modern life. (Romantics of the modern life)

All around us.
I see trouble
All around us.

TV is blowing bubbles in the air
While we’re dancing in the rain
And blindly
We’re riding the waves
Cause there’s no need for experience
To create a life of confusion.

All around us.
I see trouble
All around us.

The glorified zoo society
Is feeding people with bullshit
And the government
Is on a Sunday stroll
Watching the indifference bloom.
Is that how you imagined your life?

7. The Fire

Hello baby.
Please let me
Introduce myself.
I can make you feel good
And I promise
To protect your heart.

I see the fire
In your eyes
In your eyes
The fire in your eyes.
I see the fire
In your eyes
And it makes me
Wanna scream.

You got the beauty
Like no one else around.
You can see the sunshine
Through the darkness
And brighten up the day.

I see the fire
In your eyes
In your eyes
The fire in your eyes.
I see the fire
In your eyes
And it makes me
Wanna scream.

8. Manipulation

Is all around town.
Your glorification baby
Is pulling us down.

Who are you to throw garbage in our faces?
And who are you to decide what is right or wrong?
Manipulating people’s minds
And you don’t give a damn about it.

Is all around town.
Your glorification baby
Is pulling us down.

When we take a stroll in the streets of boredom
We get inspired by the moment doing nothing.
Patience is our guide.
Don’t let anyone take it away from you.

Is all around town.
Your glorification baby
Is pulling us down.

Is all around town.
And your glorification baby
Is pulling us down.

If you set yourself up high and you start to criticize
Don’t be selfish and untrue for money and publicity.
Keep people informed.

Is all around town.
Your glorification baby
Is pulling us down.

Is all around town.
And your glorification baby
Is pulling us down.

And glorification
Is tying us down.

9. The Party

It’s chaos in the streets
With people scattered all around
Drinking each other’s words
And dancing on the dirty ground.

Slowly losing their minds
And sliding into the sea
Filled with brain dead skeletons
You get your seat for free.

There is a party going on.

While you’re lost in the moment
Your friends are too busy to integrate
And if you lose your way home
What is left to celebrate?

Yeah everyone has forgotten
The boat is stuck in time
And the scene is slowly swallowing
Your laughter and your very last dime.

There is a party going on.


Composers and Authors

Uni Debess

(orð & lag)


Uni Debess

(sang & gittar & bass)

Finnur Hansen

(ljómborð & kór)

Rógvi á Rógvu

(trummur & slagverk)


Uni Debess


Finnur Hansen

(ljóðbland & upptøka)

Óli Poulsen


Finn Larsen


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