Ophelia – Terji Rasmussen

Producer catalog: HJF528d
Production year: 2025
Tracks: 1



Ophelia is a song to or about the many who have pain in their souls. Inspired by Shakespeare’s wife Hamlet, of the same name, who, although bringing great joy to many, struggled with depression and eventually committed suicide by drowning.

It can often be difficult to understand why people feel so bad when they are so kind, funny and empathetic towards others. Most of us probably know someone that we always want the best for, even though it can be difficult to reach out to them and thus be of any help or improvement.

Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).
You can check it out by using this link: https://bfan.link/ophelia-3




Words & music: Terji Rasmussen

Ert tú av lívinum troytt og móð
og kennist tilveran tung og køvandi
Letur tú tárini druknað teg
kennur tú sviðan av larmandi tøgnini?
– So kedd men tó
í hjarta góð
Góða, sig mær nú
hvørjum óttast tú?
Ophelia – hoyrir tú
Ophelia – droymir tú
Ophelia – fert tú nú
Tá sólin sær á tín tiknað kropp
og tá vit elska at síggja og hoyra teg
Ert tú tá farin í sjeynda sinn
eg veit eg ongantíð sleppi afturat tær inn
Ophelia – hoyrir tú
Ophelia – droymir tú
Ophelia – fert tú nú
Ophelia – hoyrir tú
Ophelia – droymir tú
Ophelia – kemur tú
Sig mær hvat droymir tú?


Composers and Authors

Terji Rasmussen

(orð & lag)


Terji Rasmussen

(sang, kassa gittar, slagverk)

Kim Hansen

(keyboard, backing vocals)

Leivur Thomsen

(electric guitar, acoustic guitar)


Terji Rasmussen

(recordings, arrangement)

Kim Hansen


Niclas Johannesen


Óli Poulsen


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