About Ogn
Knút presents new music set to poem by Regin Dahl ‘Ogn’ (‘Possession’) is the title of the third single from Knút’s upcoming fourth album. Knút wrote the music to a poem by the poet and composer Regin Dahl (1918-2007).
Knút Háberg Eysturstein has been researching Regin Dahl’s music for several years and one product of this work was the monograph Heimurin, ið hvarv – sangtónaskaldið Regin Dahl og føroyska tjóðin (Sprotin, 2019). As a musicologist Knút has focused on working with the song composer Dahl but during the course of this work, he has also been fascinated by Dahl’s poetry.
Composers often react to poetry by setting music to it. This was undoubtedly the case with the highly prolific song composer Regin Dahl who set music to hundreds of poems by Faroese and European poets. Despite this productivity Dahl rarely set music to his own poems. Now Knút has written music to a selection of Regin Dahl poems which will feature on his upcoming album.
‘Ogn’ is such an example. This poem is from the poetry collection Óttukvæði (1955). Dahl wrote the poems in the collection after several of his role models passed away. The death of his friend, the Danish author Martin A. Hansen (1909-1955), from Stevns on Sjælland, Denmark, came as a particular shock. The resulting poetry collection Óttukvæði was dedicated to Hansen and published after a longer period of silence.
Knút has this to say about the poem and the music: “This poem is an incredible expression of life’s double melancholy; that there is no beauty without sorrow, nor is there sorrow without beauty. I sought to convey this feeling with the music and I’m pleased with the result that came out of the recording process. It is therefore with gratitude that ‘Ogn’ is released.”
Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). You can check it out with this link: