i really mean it this time
i really mean it this time reflects on the transformative aspects of being. It might be easy to change, butgrowth is complex and depends on what our surroundings and contexts allow usto see as possible event horizons. ”I believe that the revolutions of my time havebeen changes not of government or of the personnel of public institutions, butrevolutions of feelings and seeing” writes Susan Sontag. The true conditions ofpossibility will remain unrecognised unless we look to those that are neglected bysocietal structures, the citizens of the kingdom of outcasts. This is the thematicfoundation of the song. Despite the general feeling that we might – to flip the chinese proverb – not believing in interesting times, I see it as having the potential to bring real transformation for futures unsprung…as long as we topple statues and continue to question those that still stand.
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