Spælimenninir Í Hoydølum – Umaftur
UMAFTUR – “Encore” – is the second recording with spælimenninir Í Hoydølum
1. Reinlender – Norway (trad)
2. Svingkontra – Danmark (trad)
3. Krummi svaf í klettagjá (The Reven slept in the rocky cleft) – Iceland (trad)
4. Masurka – Norway (trad)
5. Perunavarsia/Tolppatanssi – Finland (trad)
6. Aftan á (Afterwards) – Faroe Islands (jógvan Í Lon/Ívar bærentsen)
7. Vals från Jämtland (Waltz from Jämtland) Sweden (trad)
8. Spælimenninir i Hoydølum – Orkney (W. R Aim)
9. Nu goeré godt igen (now it´s going fine again) Denmark (trad)
10. The Fairies Hornpipe – Ireland (trad)
11. Tyska klovkorna (the German Bella) hardanger fiddle – Scandinavia (trad)
12. Reinlender – Norway (trad)
13. Ack hör du lille Erik (Oh listen, wee Erik), spilåpipa Sweden (trad)
14 Shetland Reels: Willafjord/Sleep soond i da mornin/Faroe Rum – Shetland (trad)
15. Bonny Georfe Campbell – Scotland (trad)
16. Reel – Denmark (trad)
Released on the following formats:
As CD, LP and digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). You can check it out with this link: