Darkside of Truth – Internal Healing

kr. 79

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Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

If you wanna follow Him, you must deny yourself.
Take your cross and follow Him.

For what do you gain, if you gain the whole world and lose your own soul.
if you gain the whole world and lose your own soul.

For he who saves his life for Satan, he shall lose it.
But he who loses his life for Jesus, he shall gain it

For he who is shamed by Jesus in this world of sin,
Jesus shall be ashamed of in the Grace of God.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

Kristus kallar Føroya ungdóm
Kallar hann til strev og strí¨fyri rættvísi og
sannleika hesa óndu ódnartí

Kallar oss til trúfast virki til at sáa góða sáð
kallar okkum til at stevna móti máli Himli á

Vit ganga runt vit kalla okkum kristin
vit eru øll eins vit eru frelst av nái ei av verkum
tað var hans verk og hann sendi okkum út at boða
hansar kærleika hans verk á krossinum har hann
doyði fyri teg og meg hann lat sítt blóð
Og á krossinum hann sigraði setti teg í fríðheit

Kristi ríki brátt skal stíga yvir foldar følsku list í tí
stóra stríði sigrar krossins kongur Jesus Krist
Ríkið, valdið, prís og æra alt er hans um alla tíð
Hann ið fylgir honum trúgvur dýrdarríkið kemur í

Kristus kallar Føroya ungdóm hoyr nú kallar hann á teg
Kallar teg í dag at fylgja sær á lívsins tronga veg
Kallar teg til stórstu æru bjóðar tær í ríkið inn
fram tú ungi út í stríðið í Guds kraft og sigur vinn


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

Fear not him who destroys his own body.
Fear Him who, after you’re dead, has power to
send you to hell

All will kneel before Hesus and confess
that he is Lord

For he who denies the name of Jesus before man,
He shall be denied by Jesus in the grace of God

There will be more joy in heaven,
if one sinner turns to God
Than ninety-nine righteous wishes.
He does not need it.
Then after you have knelt, where will you go.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

We were so close. You and I, we were friends.
We were as one.
I still remember the day you came to me.
I embraced you.
I lifted you up from the mass.
I healed your wounds.

I still remember the pain I felt for you.
My love will not fade away.
I want you back. I’ll take you back. If you’ll ask me,
I’ll lead you home to the place you were meant to be.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

There are two places, a road in between.
One end of the road brings peace, the other pain.
On this road is a cross of tree for rest and forgiveness.
To turn around or pass it, never fidning peace or rest.

Between life and death, choices to be made for eternity.
With or without the cross, your eternity depends,
with or without Christ.
Following the stream like a fool, to turn like a salmon against the stream.
On this road all my life, my depends on my will to carry on
Through all the pain and hurt, my life might bring my love
and obedience to Him at my final hour

For it is you now, it is time to make a choice now,
for tomorrow you might not even be here.
For it is now you have to live for. Christ in the
present; no past deed can ever save you.
For it is all about staying clean and burning in spirit
’till the day of Christ
or He will be a test and not your savior.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

Even if the jewish leaders knew all the signs about Jesus, they crucified Him
We know all about him, would we crucify him.

Sjálvt um teir jødiski leiðarinir vistu um øll teknini, Jesus gjørdi, krossfestu teir hann.
Vit vita um hansara tekin høvdu vit kross hann.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

Many times I feel alone, and in times of depression, Christ lifts me up.

Mangan kenni eg meg einsamalln og í tíðum av
depressión lyftir Kristus meg upp.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

A man was blind; he could not see the truth.
But the truth hit him and he fell to the gound
And he cpuld not get up, but the truth helped him up.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

When I was just a child, I went to sunday school.
I did all the things my mother asked me to.
When I got older, I was baptised because that’s what we Christians have to do.

So you call yourself a Christian.
I’ll ask you just one question:
If you have repented from all your sin?
Have you turned away, have you laid down your life for Christ?
Is it the real truth? Has Christ taken all your sin away?
When you walk around, do you do your will, or is it
God who lives in you?

Then I married my preacher’s daughter.
I used to sit in the front row every sunday at the church.
I was a man everyone looked up to.
Everyone thought I went to Heaven.

Now you stand before the Father’s throne and God is saying:
It is not your deeds that count, it’s your life, your heart for Christ. Now I have to say,
I know you not.
Please God, forgive me. I’ve sinned so much.
I was a nice guy. It was not enough for me now.
Please listen to what God is saying:
Is not your deeds, I ask you. Please, it’s your life, your love for Christ.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

God created you as he wanted you to be, so don’t have a wrong picture of yourself.

Gud skapti teg so sum hann ynskti at tú skuldi vera so hav ikki eina skeiva mynd av tær sjálvum.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

Christ rose from the dead to set you free from
yourself, set you free from sin.
And now He sits before the Father’s throne and He
prays for you and He sent you His spirit.
The spirit will arm you for battle against the evil,
the demons, and Satan, the power of darkness.
In light, we are victorious in Christ.

As you stand before the Father’s throne
will you be judged
or will you be washed by the blood of Christ?
And I know that God, He loves you,
and He’ll take you back into His arms.
Will you turn back? Soon He will come,
then without Him, you’ll be lost.

And on Calvary He died for our sins.
He laid all our sickness, all our wickedness,
all our sorrows on the cross.
And when He died on the cross, He was victorious
over Satan’s power.

Christ, who is, who was,
who always will be merciful.
He will forgive all your sin, if only you ask Him to.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

Satan, who’s your friend? I’m your enemy,
You hate me, but who cares. God loves me.

Father of hatem father of lies, the father who dstroys.
Satan is your name, the father of evil.
Then you say, christianity is wrong for me.
How do you know?
You tempt me, but I’ll turn away.
You want my soul, but you can’t.

Your lies believed by so many.
I’ll fight for their souls with God’s armour on.
You can’t touch me, you fool.
Many worship you. All fools. Many live for you.
All fools. Many obey you. All fools.
You’ll be the losers in the end. Think before you act.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

You stand blinded by Satan.
You see only one way out.
Suicide is not the way to solve your problems.
It will only make it much worse. Eternal in Hell.

Turn to Jesus. He is the answer for you.
Lay on Him your burdens. Your sins, He will erase.

Your friends have left you. You stand all alone.
No one seems to care about you,
you’re left cold in an empty street.
Drugs make you forget the emptiness,
but you don’t have to be alone.

Your immorality leads to destruction, eternal pain
and suffering in Hell.
You must repent from your sin. You’ll be set free
from the second death.
You don’t want to change, but you have to.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

There was a rich man who lived in luxury everyday,
never in need of anything in his life.
There was a beggar, Lazarus, who lay at the gate
longing to eat what fell off the table.
But one day they both died. Then they woke,
one in Heaven, one in hell.

Rich in flesh, poor in spirit,
in Hell he woke.
Poor in flesh, rich in spirit, in Heaven eternally.

Rich man, begging for mercy, just a drop of water
to calm the heat
never, he gets out of the pain in Hell.
Please send poor Lazarus to warn my family,
so they can turn from the path of death
to receive Christ and not come here.

Now I warn you to turn from paths of death or burn eternally in hell.
Receive Christ as your Lord.
He can set you free from eternal torment forevermore.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

Ein mynd ei gjørd av hindum, ein spegilsmynd av tær
Tón andi ei av hesum heimi livur nú í mær

Lívið á krossinum hann lat fyri meg, hann lat fyri teg.
Eitt lív ið vert er at liva vivi nú fyri teg eitt ljós ið
skínur í heiminum leiðir fólk úr myrkrinum

Himmalin mín stórsta vón at prísa hinum har ein
vón at tú verður við tá hann kemur aftur

Vón er bert lív so er vón hevur tú í morgin sum
tjóður hann koma skal aftur verður tú tá til reiðar


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

Every day we walk around the streets.
We see our neighbours everywhere in pain and hunger, no help in hand.
Just the other day, you know, Luke, our neighbour,
was shot by a burglar and his wife was raped.
And their kids they were there, they saw it all.
Do you think they will ever forgive?
Do you think they will ever forget?
The burglar was just high on drugs.
He just needed some more money to buy some more.

Go into the world and tell the world of Me,
That I have died for their sin
That whoever believes in Me shall have eternal life.

There sits Harry in his office every day.
You know he’s so rich and he’s got everything.
See his fine suit, his fine tie, his shining shoes.
Everyday he drives home in a limousine.
There he meets his wife and she’s so fine.
She’s got a fur coat, sitting by the swimming pool,
but they’re not happy, they’re depressed.
They’re missing something very important in their lives.

Every day we pray, O Lord, please send someone.
Send someone to those in need, send some money to the missionaries in Africa,
India or somewhere far away.
But aren’t we forgetting something here?
What about our neighbours,
what about those just next door?
Jesus didn’t send us to the north pole,
south pole or somewhere far away,
when He said love your neighbours as yourself.


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

Jump to the God who loves you.
Shout to the God who loves you.
Dance to the God who loves you.

Everyday you walk around,
you fill your body with crap.
Don’t you know without God,
you’ll be lost without Him? There’s no hope for you.
You got to fall on your knees, got to pray, got to
pray, O Lord, take away my sin.
Washed by the blood, with the Spirit within your
heart, you’ll be set free from your sin.

Still you walk around. You’re still the same.
There’s no change.
You’re blinded by Satan’s little white lies,
you can not see the truth.
Remember this, I tell you this, that Jesus is the way,
the truth and life.
And without him there’s no hope
for you, you can’t reach God.
And I know when he died on the cross in pain, in
love through the pain, He whispered your name.

So maybe now you want to change. So there’s still
hope for you.
Because there is a God who loves you and He’ll
take you back into His arms.
And if you’re worried about your future, just
remember just one thing
That beyond your future, there is an eternity an
eternity without Christ is Hell


Lyrics: Gulli Johansen
Music: Gulli Johansen

I am sitting here in a crowded room,
but I am all alone.
I talk to myself, but no one listens.
I try to communicate with the world,
but I’m too afraid to say what is on my mind.


Composers and Authors

Gulli Johansen

(lyrics & composition)


Gulli Johansen

(vocals & guitars & bass & keyboards & drums)

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