Where’s the Peace (feat. Ayi Solomon)
“Where’s The Peace” er nýggjasta staklagið, ið Anna skrivaði sum sangari og sangskrivari hjá MonkeyRat. Hon hevði eina skitsu í huga til kompositiónina men valdi at royna okkurt heilt annað. Tað er fyrstu ferð allir MonkeyRat limir, Arnold Ludvig úr Føroyum, Jens Stoklund úr Danmark, Alain Apaloo úr Togo, Anna Iachino úr Kanada (Italia) og serligi gesturin, Ayi Solomon úr Ghana hava í felag skriva ein sang. Anna valdi at blanda vesturlendskan fyrstaheimstónleik saman við afrikanskum triðjaheimstónleiki fyri eitt meira universelt slagverk. Nú meira enn nakrantíð kendi Anna tørvin á at breiða eina kenslu av samleika út við øll fólkasløg av øllum strípum
og senda boðskap um Frið um allan heimin. Tónleikurin er fyri allar aldursbólkar, ung sum gomul úr øllum heiminum, øll mál, litir og trúarjáttanir. Tað er barnalátur í sanginum, ein áminning um, at ljóðið av børnum, sum flenna, bert hoyrist í friðartíðum. Sum menniskju hava vit øll sama tørv á at kenna okkum trygg og føla frælsið.
Talgilt (Spotify, Youtube, Apple Music, etc.).
Lurta her: https://bfan.link/wheres-the-peace
Where’s the Peace (feat. Ayi Solomon)
Orð: Anna Iachino
Lag: Anna Iachino
Where’s the Peace? Where’s the peace? Uh uh x 4
Peace (ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta) x 2
I want some peace, some peace of mind
and leave all talk of war behind
Imagine a world, a world of peace
Where every child is safe and free
safe and free and free to be
Running, running, running – running wild x 2
I think, u think, I think a – like a child x 2
Power to the people
Power to the women
Power to the children
We got the power
Where’s the Peace? Where’s the peace? Uh uh x 4
Peace (ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta) x 2
We are in need, in need of peace
And live our lives in love and ease
Imagine a world that’s color blind
Where everyone is just and kind
Safe and free and free to be
Running, running, running – running wild x 2
I think, u think, I think a – like a child x 2
Where’s the Peace? Where’s the peace? Uh uh x 4
Peace (ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta) x 2
It’s up to us to be the change
To change our minds of all the rage
Imagine peace around the world
Where humankind is safe and free
Safe and free and free to be
Running, running, running – running wild x 2
I think, u think, I think a – like a child x 2
Power to the people
Power to the women
Power to the children
We got the power
Where’s the Peace? Where’s the peace? Uh uh x 4
Peace (ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta) uh uh x 2