Flóttin – Elin Brimheim Heinesen



About Flóttin / The Refugee

The lyrics to this song are originally from a theatre play, the author Jens Pauli Heinesen wrote in the 70’s.

Elin Brimheim Heinesen: “The lyrics were originally written to another melody – a Swedish melody. But I thought it deserved its own original melody. It’s about a world in shambles and about having to flee from all the things and the people one cares about, and not least about facing an uncertain future. In my view the poem has gained renewed relevance. It can, for instance, be seen in the light of the current situation with refugees fleeing from devastating climate change in their country – or the corona virus that is threatening us all, making us all “refugees” and isolating everyone in their homes.”


1. Flóttin (Faroese Version)
2. The Refugee (English Version)

Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). You can check it out by using this link: https://bfan.link/flottin-1

Recording Studio: ČNSOs Studios, Prague, Czech Republic
Lead Vocal Recording Studio: Private Studio, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
Choirs Recording Studio: Hátún, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands


Words: Jens Pauli Heinesen
Music: Elin Brimheim Heinesen

Lættur í lund
spældi um stund
sól gylti skógir og tindar
Sangur og vín
unnustan mín
Ymiskir blæsa teir vindar
Deyðin fór herjandi buldur og gný
Smildraði heimin, sum vit livdu í
Á, tú týnandi makt millum manna
hvar finni eg lívd fyri tær
Skal eg eldast og ongantíð sanna
at her var rúm fyri mær
Burt í fjarløgdum londum frá vinum
og heimi eg siti í skugga hjá slóknandi eimi
Skal eg eldast og ongantíð sanna
at her var rúm fyri mær 

Silvur og gull
húsini full
men hvar er mín lukka, mín gleði
Í einbýli her
øskukalt er
Dagurin dettur av degi
Geislar av eitri, hvørt sprek og hvørt strá
Tað lúrir eitt eyga í hvørjari vrá
Hygg tey styggja meg burtur við gandi
Tey unna mær als ongan frið
Eg má rýma frá húsi og landi
tó at sorgin hon fylgir mær við
Og tí sigli eg bát mín mót ókendum londum
og haldi um stýrið við skelvandi hondum
:||: Eg má rýma frá húsi og landi
tó at sorgin hon fylgir mær við :||: 

The Refugee

Words: Jens Pauli Heinesen
Music: Elin Brimheim Heinesen

Careless a while
all fun and smiles
at hillsides in sunny reflections
Singing and wine
darling of mine
Winds blow in different directions
The reaper went ravaging, rumbled, and rolled
shattered the planet on which we live all
Oh, calamitous force among humans
where will I find shelter from you?
Should I grow old and never be certain
that I have a place to roam to
In a foreign land far from my friends and my home
I’m sitting in shade by the embers alone
Should I grow old and never be certain
that I have a place to roam to? 

Silver and gold
the house chockfull
But where is my luck and my pleasure
In solitude here
freezing in fear
Day follows day without leisure
Rays of poison in every crack
An eye is out lurking, I’m under attack
They scare me away with their sorcery
They give me no space to breathe
I must flee from my home and my country
though grieving accompanies me
And that’s why I’m sailing to faraway lands
and holding my wheel with trembling hands
:||: I must flee from my home and my country
though grieving accompanies me :||: 


Composers and Authors

Elin Brimheim Heinesen

(composer & translator)

Enzo De Rosa

(Orchestration For Orchestra And Choir)


Vladimir Martinka

(conductor of orchestra)



Bernharður Wilkinson

(conductor of choir)

Kristoffer Mørkøre

(choir sound engineer)


Bárður Háberg

(Lead Vocal Sound Engineer & mixing of lead vocals)

Laura Lungu

(Recording Exec. Producer & Supervisor)

Enzo De Rosa


Stanislav Baroch

(Sound engineer)

Martin Maslowski

(Protools Assistant)

Ben Ewing

(Mixing Of Orchestra And Choir, Mixing Of Lead Vocals)

Camilo Silva F.


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