Sorgin er vøkur við – Elin Brimheim Heinesen



About Sorgin er vøkur við / Sorrow is Beautiful Too

Elin Brimheim Heinesen: “At first glance it might be difficult to interpret what this poem is about actually. It is, in fact, about unrequited love that is not reciprocated, envisioned in an image of how waves play around skerries on the shore, but are never really united with the skerries. However, the message in the poem is that unrequited love and sorrow can also be very beautiful.”


1. Sorgin er vøkur við (Faroese Version)
2. Sorrow is Beautiful Too (English Version)

Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). You can check it out by using this link:

Recording Studio: ČNSOs Studios, Prague, Czech Republic
Lead Vocal Recording Studio: Private Studio, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
Choirs Recording Studio: Hátún, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Sorgin er vøkur við

Words: Jens Pauli Heinesen (1970)
Music: Elin Brimheim Heinesen (2020)

Dandar so blíðan bára
á kvøldi um nakið sker
Ongantíð hevur hon nomið
kærleikans aldugerð
Suðar so blíðan lotið
kátt er lagið, men kalt
Ongantíð hevur tað nomið
nomið við tað, ið er alt

Hugsjúk tí blíða báran
fevnir um nakið sker
Takið meg, køldu steinar
yndið meg einaferð
Trásjúkt tí mjúka lotið
smýgur um nakið basalt
Takið meg, køldu klettar
lívga meg tú, ið er alt

Skuldi tað hent seg, at lagnan
ikki vil unna mær frið
:||: Spæl so, fiól og urga,
tí sorgin er vøkur við :||:

Sorrow is Beautiful Too

Words: Jens Pauli Heinesen (1970)
Music & Translation: Elin Brimheim Heinesen (2020)

At dusk a wave gently seesaws
on a naked skerry in dance
Not once has it ever fondled
the waltzing waves of romance
A flurry of air whispers gently
a cheerful refrain, but cold
Not once has it ever cuddled
cuddled that trait which is all

That’s why this gentle sea wave
embraces the skerry in pain
Take me, cold stones, take me
love me, please, just one time
That’s why the breeze so fondly
caresses the naked basalt
Take me, cold rocks, take me
and comfort me, you, who are all

If destiny happens to hinder
a peaceful mind, through and through
:||: Then play for me, violin, and organ
‘cause sorrow is beautiful too :||:


Composers and Authors

Elin Brimheim Heinesen

(composer & translator)

Enzo De Rosa



Bernharður Wilkinson

(choir conduction)



Vladimir Martinka

(orchestra conduction)


Bárður Háberg

(lead vocals sound engineering & mix)

Ben Ewing

(orchestra & lead vocals mix)

Enzo De Rosa


Kristoffer Mørkøre

(choir sound engineering)

Laura Lungu

(recording production & supervision)

Martin Maslowski

(protools assistance)

Stanislav Baroch

(sound engineering)

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