Where’s The Trauma? – Plutonic

Producer catalog: HJF714a
Production year: 2024
Tracks: 1


Where’s The Trauma?

This song came about when Anna Iachino was asked, “Where’s The Trauma?” by her mentor for Anna’s thesis, “Trauma, Poetry, Fuck The Jante Law – Creativity as a Means of Survival” regarding her master’s in music @ Iceland University of the Arts. She had written many poems, but none addressed the elephant in the room – Trauma. That question pondered her when she was walking home from school. Where’s The Trauma? Anna thought to herself, flustered and furious as she ran up the stairs to her room. “I’ll show her where the trauma is”, exclaimed Anna to herself. She hurriedly started jotting down words expressing the anger she felt at being provoked to openly confront the question turning fury into art. It was the push that Anna needed to compose her first rhythmical electronic dance song with a banging dance beat. Indeed, that’s how Anna dealt with her trauma, dancing the pain away like in a trance where only music existed as her body and feet became one heartbeat.
“Serving up an experimental dance punk sound full of punching rhythms and filtered through an avant-garde lens, the track delivers a brash and angsty jam that’s equally unique and gripping. Opened with the ominous pulse of quiet synth textures, Anna’s voice enters to ask “where’s the trauma” as the strike of claps accents the rhythm. Offering a spectacular display of channeling bitter emotions into artistic work, it’s an emphatic debut statement from this exciting new project.”
– Alex Stone, Plastic Magazine
“For all of you who like experimental electronic music, the new track ‘Where’s The Trauma?’ by Plutonic is a real insider tip! The narrative and predominantly spoken vocals are particularly captivating, interacting perfectly with the rhythm and creating a very expressive atmosphere.

We were also impressed by the minimalist approach, which completely dispenses with melodic elements and allows the dark and slightly gloomy style to become the immediate focus of the production. The distinctive booming bass also has something absolutely captivating about it and brings a completely original vibe to the modern electronic scene.
‘Where’s The Trauma?’ also benefits from interesting glitch effects that perfectly underline the creatively designed soundscape.”
– New Indie Radar

“Serving up an experimental dance punk sound full of punching rhythms and filtered through an avant-garde lens, the track delivers a brash and angsty jam that’s equally unique and gripping. Opened with the ominous pulse of quiet synth textures, Anna’s voice enters to ask “where’s the trauma” as the strike of claps accents the rhythm. Offering a spectacular display of channeling bitter emotions into artistic work, it’s an emphatic debut statement from this exciting new project.”
– Miguel Castillo, La Caverna

Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).
You can check it out by using this link: https://bfan.link/wheres-the-trauma

Where’s the Trauma?

Words & music: Anna Iachino

W here’s the trau ma?
Where’s The trauMa?
W here’s the Trau ma?
Where’s The Trauma?
W hErE’s tHe TrAu Ma?
M a m a
S ave the dr ama for your ma Ma
Save the drama for your mamA
S ave the dr ama for your maM a
Save the drama for your mamA
S ave the dr ama for your Ma ma

*ave: used to express good wishes on meeting or parting
*ama (Italian): to love, love, like, be fond of; tua madre ti ama; your mother loves you; ama e sii amato; love and be loved.

When u were born, I should have let u die on the table!
What label r u wearing?
Christian Die OR
Christian what for?
Christian not sure
Christian your chore
Christian not whore
Christian before
Christian I’m sore
Christian no more
Knees on little arms
Knees & lucky charms
Knees & Sunday psalms
Knees & all that harms
Knees & no alarms
Knees & funny farms
Knees & healing balms


Effect on voice



Composers and Authors

Anna Iachino

(author, composer)


Anna Iachino

(programming, vocals)


Anna Iachino


Arnold Ludvig

(mixing, mastering)

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