“Music from the Islands” is dedicated to music for clarinet and piano written by composers who live, work or originate from islands. Begun with European islands, it is intended that it will be enlarged to include as many islands as possible from around the world.
The idea arose som years ago when clarinettist Joze Kotar and pianist Luca Ferrini made their first Irish tour. For that occasion they performed a programme of music by living Irish composers and strong friendships have since been established with all the composers involved, relationshipsh that continue today, especially with two in particular: C.S.L.Parker and Kristian Blak.
Kristian Blak (who happens to be the CEO of TUTL Records) invited the duo to perform at the Summartónar Festival in 2015 (held on the Faroe Islands) and engaged himself in trying to assist the spread of this project as an active member of the ISCM to other countries and islands.
Richard Rodney Bennet (1936-2012)
01. Ballad in memory of Shirley Horn
Kristian Blak (b. 1947)
02. Svínoy / world premiere recording
Joseph Vella (b. 1942)
03. Passacaglietta, op. 9
Jón Nordal (b. 1926)
04. – I
05. – II
06. – III
C.S.L.Parker (b. 1961)
07. The ice melt / world premiere recording
Simon Reade (b. 1977)
Songs for clarinet and piano / world premiere recording
08. – In Edinburgh
09. – Elegos I
10. – To the colour brown
11. – Lullaby for Callum
Mirjam Tally (b. 1976)
12. Warm life at the foot of the Icebert / world premiere recording
Takashi Yoshimatsu (b. 1953)
4 Pieces in Bird shape, op. 18
13. – Ballade
14. – Invention
15. – Recitativo
16. – Divertimento