Eg sigi ja – maður:glotti

Producer catalog: HJF164a
Production year: 2024
Tracks: 1

SKU: HJF164a Categories: , Tag:


Eg sigi ja

“Eg sigi ja” is the latest single from maður:glotti and marks a continuation of their musical journey. The song is a tribute to individuality and the courage it takes to make one’s own choices in a society that is often narrow and restrictive. The lyrics explore the experiences of being different as a young person in the late 1980s in the Faroe Islands, a period that was greatly different from the present.

Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).
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Eg sigi ja

Eg sigi ja

Words: Dennis Agerblad
Music: Terji Krossteig, Dennis Agerblad

Tey vilja hava meg at siga nei
Tey eru bangin fyri míni leið
Eg fylgdi ikki míni innaru rødd
Ið bara vaks til eina størri stødd

Men í dag sigi eg ja
Tey kunnu ikki steðga mær, við teirra orðum
Eg fari aldrin at lurta eftir teimun
Aldrin – lurta eftir teimun

Tey peikaðu fingrar at mær
Royndi sum best at geva eitt svar
Mítt lív var merkt av syndum
Noyddist at rýma av landinum

Men í dag sigi eg ja
Tey kunnu ikki steðga mær, við teirra orðum
Eg fari aldrin at lurta eftir teimun
Aldrin – lurta eftir teimun


Composers and Authors

Dennis Agerblad

(author, composer)

Terji Krossteig



Terji Krossteig

(Guitar, vokal, programering)

Robin Ova Tolfsen

(Vokal, programering)


Dennis Agerblad

(arrangement, production)

Terji Krossteig

(arrangement, production)

Uni Debess

(mixing, mastering)

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