Whirlpool – FRUM

Katalognummar: HJF723b
Framleiðsluár: 2025
Sangir: 1

Vørunummar: HJF723b Bólkar: , , , Tag:



Whirlpool fangar mótstríðandi togið av kenslum og tankum, sum íða um onkran, tú elskar djúpt. Við hesum staklagnum ferðast Frum djúpri inn í stormin, sum dregur alt inneftir, og skapar eina kenslubornað íðu, sum lurtararnir ikki kunnu sleppa undan. Sangur er bæði sárbarur og intensur og resonerar við øll, sum nakrantíð hava verið korupt av kærleika. Við ræðandi melodium og inniligum tekstum bjóðar Whirlpool lurtarunum møguleikan, at missa seg sjálvan í einum fangandi dýpi.

Talgilt (Spotify, Youtube, Apple Music, v.m.)
Lurta her: https://bfan.link/whirlpool-3


Orð & lag: FRUM

Heart on the letter
Sleeping a story
Cold in shadow

Your center cold
Beat in my heart
You hold me closely

Reach in to me
There nothing to set is it free
All of my heart whirls around you from now
I can’t keep my mind of
did you ever love someone
Over me Over me Over me Over me

off you take me
Said it maybe
Breath I can take in and out
Touch on the shoulder
Dance to the end
I let you oh darling go

Reach in to me
There nothing to set is it free
All of my heart whirls around you from now
I can’t keep my mind of
did you ever love someone
Over me Over me Over me Over me


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