million days
A wistful, sun-dappled song about how longing bends time and space, in which our loved one is always there but just out of reach, on the fading horizon. Million Days takes its inspiration from Chris Marker’s seminal experimental film La Jetee, about a man who journeys into the past where he falls in love with a mysterious woman at Orly airport. When he goes back to search for her, he finds himself caught in temporal loop, both near and far at the same time, like the concentric rings in a tree trunk that they saw together in a park. Love is a game of chance, but longing makes time travellers of us all, keeping memories of the past present.
Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).
You can check it out by using this link: https://bfan.link/million-days