Ensemble Sirius is a Nordic Quintet consisting of five promising young musicians hailing from Denmark, Faroe Islands and Germany. Gathered in Aarhus by their common interest in modern music, the ensemble aims to promote new interest and awareness in contemporary Nordic music.
Journey Through Nordic Nature is the first release by Ensemble Sirius.
1. Siriusly – Atli Kárason Petersen (Faroe Islands)
2. Vågor – Isac Bromann (Sweden)
3. Sea Pictures, I. Autumn Morning by the Sea – Lars Karlsson (Åland/Finland)
4. Sea Pictures, II. A Quiet Promenade at the Shore – Lars Karlsson (Åland/Finland)
5. Sea Pictures, III. Windy Afternoon – Lars Karlsson (Åland/Finland)
6. Sandar – Þuríður Jónsdóttir (Iceland)
7. 12 Stilleben med Dansk Natur – Mette Nielsen (Denmark)
8. Silap Inua – Arnannguaq Gerstrøm (Greenland)
Released on the following formats:
Available on CD. Find the purchase button below.
Digital release is on the 22nd of January 2021 on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.):