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Um eg var hon (EP) – Gudny

After playing her songs in the kitchen for a lifetime, Gudny decided it was time to take it one step further. The result thus far is the debut release UM EG VAR HON (If I were her), an EP with five songs, two of them released as singles. Writing lovesongs is quite the cliché, right? […]


Tyngd – Gudny

Released on the following formats: Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).


Fyri fyrst – Gudny

Released on the following formats: Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). Credits: Musicians: Gudny Djurhuus Rasmussen (vocals) Eyðun Johannesen (bass) Jasmin Jovanovic (drums) Hans Poulsen (all other instruments) Ása Helena Brynjarsdóttir (choir) Gunnvá Rasmussen (choir) Ronja Rasmussen (choir)