Hidden Gold – Hervør Sabina á Torkilsheyggi

Katalognummar: HJF484e
Útgávuár: 2024
Sangir: 1


Hidden Gold

“Hidden Gold” varð skrivaður í 2014. Hann er millum annað um “goymt gull”, sum býr í hvørji sál og hvørjum hjartað, og bert bíðar eftir at verða funnið. Ein boðskapur í sanginum er, at vit eiga at síggja fólk og teirra umstøður, og hvør veruliga støðan og menniskja er, og ikki bert døma eftir hvat vit síggja á tí uttara. Høvuðsboðskapurin er at elska eins og Jesus elskar. Hetta verður flættað inn í stutta andaliga kórinum “lat meg líkjast meiri tær”, sum sangurin byrjar við. Sangurin er skrivaður við einum av høvuðsboskapinum í Bíbliuni í huga: at tú skalt elska tín næsta sum teg sjálvan, at vit elska tí Gud fyrst elskaði okkum. Yrkjarin hevur eitt inniligt ynski um at øll menniskju, hvørji tey so eru, skulu kenna Guds kærleika gjøgnum kærleika frá Guds fólki. Sangurin er einfaldur og erligur og er ein duet millum rødd og guitar. “Takk, Benjamin, fyri títt vakra, kenslusterka og andaliga gittarspæl. Tað lyftir boðskapin so væl – serliga í endanum tá gittarin spælir einsamallur og leggur upp til at áhoyrarin lenar seg aftur á og bara kann lata tankarnar sveima”, sigur Hervør.

Talgilt (Spotify, Youtube, Apple Music, etc.).
Lurta her: https://bfan.link/hidden-gold

Hidden Gold

Translation of intro: Eyðun Jacobsen
Words & Music: Hervør Sabina á Torkilsheyggi

Lat meg líkjast meiri tær
Jesus lat meg líkjast meiri tær
Lær ,eg at elska ein og tú
Lat meg líkjast meiri tær.
If I could only learn to love, really love
the world might smile
An old fat lady with her candy bar
They’re staring, saying she should change her style
Struggling up the stairs one more time
Hiding the shame in her eyes
If they would only listen for a while
They would see the sacrifices in her life
– the eating makes the pain go away
A teenage girl with her heavy makeup
They say she’s a hore and nothing more
Behind the make up there are scars
In her heart there’s a big black hole
If they would only listen for a while
They would know she’s been beaten and she has cried
– the makeup makes the pain go away
If I could only think good of you
In every soul there’s hidden gold
If I could only learn to love
Really love
the world might smile
An alcoholic living down our street
We don’t really wanna see him
Cannot take the smell of his raggy,dirty clothes
We make fun of him as he goes
If we would only listen for a while
We would know he’s been left by his wife
She took the kids she didn’t stay
– the drinking makes the pain go away
If I could only think good of you
In every heart there’s hidden gold
If I could only learn to love
Really, really love
the world might smile
smile – He can make them smile.


Composers and Authors

Eyðun Jacobsen

(translation of intro song)



Benjamin D. Djurhuus

(production, mixing)

Hans Poulsen


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