Become – Ester Skála

Framleiðsluár: 2025
Sangir: 1

Vørunummar: HJF561c-1 Bólkar: , , , , Tag:



Hugmyndin í hesum lagnnum gongur fyri seg í einum ljósareyðum Nintendo spæli, har ein prinsur og ein prinsessa funnu hvørt annað. Tey vóru sera forelskaði, og hon
helt seg hava funnið “the knight in shining armor”. Tey vóru sera glað saman, men tá hon minst væntaði tað, ger hann tað brádliga liðugt. Hann fann sær eina aðra prinsessu, sum gjørdi hana sera sorgarbundna. Hetta lagið snýr seg um, tá ið tann eini parturin í einum parlagið er gitandi, ivandi og ósikkur. Og tá ið veruleikin ikki er júst so, sum man helt hann vera. Har tann eini parturin fer avstað, ímeðan hin situr eftir í sorg. Og har báðir partar innsíggja, at tey bæði egentliga vóru brotin, hjartaknúst; og sum at tey eru skorin í tvey frammanundan.

Talgilt (Spotify, Youtube, Apple Music, v.m.)
Lurta her:

Mellow Cat

Orð og lag: Ester Skála

On my own, I gave it a go
I reached my hand to the galaxies
and found out I could read through all the stars

Packed my stuff with my own supplies
and I’ll make sure no one knows
that I think that I need a journey to go

You might get a bit surprised, but
I am not a human lover
cause I am a fan of the mellow cat

For Mellow Cat, I am dying for your beauty
Mellow Cat, come back and hunt me

For I’m now chilling with my mellow cat
and I can see it in your eyes, you are a bit jealous
For I have now become much better than you

You think you are so popular
You think everyone will bow their knees for you
but I am still standing tall

Oh Mellow Cat, I am dying for your beauty
Mellow Cat, Come back and hunt me
Mellow Cat, Why in such a hurry
Mellow Cat, I said come back and hunt mii-iiiauw
You belong to mii-iiiauw

For I’ll be where the mellow cat rises
as we both reach out to the sun
Where darkness never finds it’s horizon
cause we truly know who we are
Satellites will be on fire
yeah, it comes much clearly to me now
for Love in space will be inspired
cause we truly know who you are

Mellow Cat, I am dying for your beauty
Mellow Cat, come back and hunt me
Mellow Cat, why in such a hurry
Mellow Cat…
… Mellow Cat…
Oh Ooh
Oh Ooh


Composers and Authors

Ester Skála

(orð & lag)



Kristoffer Mørkøre

(framleiðsla, ljóðbland, frumband)

Jón Sonni Jensen

(grafiskt design)

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