Í hesi frosnu og dimmu tíð – Í opnum báti

Producer catalog: HJF634a
Production year: 2023
Tracks: 1


About Í hesi frosnu og dimmu tíð

Most Christmas songs focus either on Santa Claus or on the birth of Jesus. This Christmas song, however, centers more on the earthly things that come with the holiday season, such as clementines, slippery roads, and snow covered rooftops. It is about the Christmas atmosphere and preparing for the upcoming time, by setting up the artificial Christmas tree and lighting candles, while simultaneously feeling a bit uneasy with the gloominess that is also present this time of year.

The musical project ‘Í opnum báti’ is a musical experiment founded by Óli á Grindafløtti in September 2022, without a specific leader or guideline. The aim is to provide members with an opportunity to perform and release their own music. The initial focus is primarily on Óli á Grindafløtti’s music. The compositions draw inspiration from hymns, but elements from other musical genres can also be discerned.

Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). You can check it out by using this link: https://bfan.link/i-hesi-frosnu

Í hesi frosnu og dimmu tíð – Í opnum báti

Words: Rebekka Petersen
Music: Óli á Grindafløtti

Í hesi frosnu og dimmu tíð
keypir tú klementinir
gongur heim á glerinum
leingist eftir saltinum
sum lá
møti tær í gongini
tú ávarar
tað er hált

sangkórið í lurtinum
syngur at føgur er foldin
og tú sær tá tú hyggur út
húsatekjur prýða seg
í hvítt
leitar fram hin eingilin
av loftinum
og kunstigt jólatræ

men veturin í glugganum
speglar sær inni í tær
tó tú veit enn einaferð
várið vitjar hvørjaferð
í mars
grannin niðanfyri
tendrar adventsljós
lýsa nú


Composers and Authors


Ólavur Olsen


Jákup Zachariassen

(acoustic guitar, steel guitar)

Óli Poulsen

(add. percussion)


Jákup Zachariassen

(producer, recording engineer)

Óli Poulsen

(mix, mastering)

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