Himnafar – Knút

Producer catalog: HJF544b
Production year: 2021
Tracks: 1

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About Himnafar

This summer Knút released his first single in eight years. Second single ‘Himnafar’ from the upcoming fourth album is out on October 1st. ‘Himnafar’ is a soaring, atmospheric song with lyrics and music by Knút. The title ‘Himnafar’ can be translated to “Heavenly vessel”. As with previous single ‘Villiniborg’ this track has been underway for some time: “The music came to me late at night many years ago. I was sitting at the grand piano in the aula at the Faculty of Education at the University of the Faroe Islands. The aula is a room with historical weight to it and it features a public art decoration by writer and artist William Heinesen (1900-1990) and a wonderful grand piano. It was very special being able to sit alone in this place playing the grand piano.” On the process from composition to recording: “Twice before we’ve tried to make a release-worthy recording of this song. We tried it once when we recorded my sophomore album The Desert Holds A Flower (Tutl, 2009) and again for On High (Tutl, 2013). Third time’s the charm, I suppose; in later years the song got its final form, we managed to record it and I’m very pleased with how it turned out. Everyone involved did their best.” On the title ‘Himnafar’ and the cosmic journey described in the song: “I’ve often been fascinated by the story of the satellite Voyager 1 which was launched into space in 1977. Voyager 1 travelled beyond the limits of our solar system in 2012 and thus went interstellar. Onboard is a golden record with sound recordings from earth, including some great music. It is beautiful to know that the golden record is floating out there for alien civilizations to discover. A “bottle in a cosmic ocean” as astronomer Carl Sagan (1934-1996) put it”.

Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). You can check it out with this link: https://bfan.link/himnafar


Composers and Authors

Knút Háberg Eysturstein

(author, composer)

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