Flytifólk capture the bitter-sweet music of home-coming. Based in Tórshavn, Anna, Daniel, James and Torleik have all travelled ‘from away’, and their debut album celebrates lives made in distant lands, by those who have been displaced, sometimes willingly, and sometimes not. Here they gather klezmer tunes and music from the Balkans and elsewhere, old scores that they adapt to their distinctive musical style, expressing the wistful, heartfelt emotions of separation while retaining the joy and playfulness that comes with making a life on new soil. Flytifólk recorded these pieces in the reconstructed historic home of Nólsoyar Páll, one of the Faroe Islands’ greatest sailors, a man who brought ideas from across the sea and made them his own in these rugged islands where the wind and the rain create a natural, sometimes wild, rhythm.
1. Tá ið teir sóu landið
2. Ime Prezakias
3. Tears
4. The Klezmer’s Freilach
5. Carinhoso
6. Sevdayla Hasaplasilmaz
7. Misirlu / Mia Smyrna / Čudna jada
8. Bazetsn di Kale
9. Noah’s pigeon
10. Nifty’s Freilach
11. Je ne t’aime pas
12. Gnossienne No. 1
13. Farkoyen di Saposhkelekh
14. Itamar Freilach
15. Nikol
16. Serbian Rumba / Rachenitsa
17. Dos Tsigayner
18. Raspiska
19. Da’ouni ‘Ajoud
20. Ta Ziliarika Sou Matia / Kolomeyke
Released on the following formats:
CD and digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).
You can check it out by using this link:
Watch Live Video of “Farkoyen di Saposhkelekh” here: