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Belials Synir (Bókin) – Swangah

Fyrsta bókaútgávan frá rappbólkinum Swangah. Talan er um eitt listaligt yrkingarsavn í innbundnum hardcover-formati á 78 síður, sum inniheldur allar 13 sangtekstirnar á fyrstu fløguni Belials Synir. 13 føroysk listafólk hava prýtt bókina við síni egnu tulking av kendu sangtekstunum, og opna tí upp fyri einari nýggjari og øðrvísi uppliving av tekstunum. Her ímillum Frá […]


Silvurbók (Silver Book) – Silvurdrongur

Silvurbók was originally released as the one piece of art that contained both written word, music and a movie. An interesting fusion of different art forms in one SILVER product. Silvurbók is a collection of poems by Faroeses artist Trygvi Danielsen, also known as Silvurdrongur (the Silver Boy). Silvurbók is about how it is to […]


The Absent Silver King – The Absent Silver King

This product is a collection of poems, short-stories and music by Trygvi Danielsen, the lead singer and songwriter of “The Absent Silver King”, which now goes by the name “Silvurdrongur”. The book comes with a CD. If you buy the vinyl record you get a CD too. The book is in Faroese.


Traditional music in the Faroe Islands (Alfagurt ljóðar mín tunga)

A documentary recording of some of the main types of Faroese traditional, unaccompanied vocal music: ballad dancing, religious songs and skjaldur. In connection with this CD, a book – which includes all texts and musical transcriptions – has been released both in English (ENG) called ‘Traditional music in the Faroe Islands’ and in Faroese (FO) […]