The words for “AVE” are in their original language, Faroese. Some of the songs are based on very internal Faroese wordplays and rhymes and are impossible to recreate or translate. These lyrics represent in some way the essence of the songs, but in places some changes have been made, but the atmosphere and general meaning is pretty intact.
1. Tíðum
2. Oyðin
3. Títt sanna andlit
4. Í morgunroða
5. Rekaviður
6. Grót
7. Øskuhav
8. Lík líkum
9. Úr vøggu í grøv
10. Legg allar byrðar
Released on the following formats:
LP, CD and digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).
You can check it out with this link: https://bfan.link/ave-1