Leonard Cohen tulkingar – Niels Midjord



Leonard Cohen tulkingar

1. Sum ein fuglur (Bird on the wire)
2. Farvæl Mariann (So long Marianne)
3. Har eru eingi ráð ímóti ást (Ain’t no cure for love)
4. Halleluja (Hallelujah)
5. Søgan um Ísak (Story of Isaac)
6. Gestirnir (The Guests)
7. Sanna (Suzanne)
8. Dansa meg til kærleikans trom (Dance me to the End of Love)
9. Í nátt ert tú mín (Tonight will be fine)
10. Tak ein vals (Take this Waltz)

Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).
You can check it out by using this link: https://bfan.link/leonard-cohen-tulkingar


Composers and Authors

Niels Midjord

(Translations on tracks 1-4, 6-8)

Alexandur Kristiansen

(Translations on tracks 5, 9-10)


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