‘killing time’ is the first release of JASMIN’s upcoming EP, ’’not that surprised’’.
The song was written more than a year ago by Jasmin and her group. In the song she’s trying to describe the feelings of being in a toxic relationship that you know is no good but still feels ’’good’’ in some type of way. You keep on going in circles and can’t really get out of it and you know as long as both of you are in it you’ll keep on getting hurt and hurting each other.
This is JASMIN’s first release after her debut EP ’’I Know It’s Over’’ that came out more than a year ago. The group has been really focused on finding the sound that they like and are very excited to get to share this new music with everyone.
Producer: JASMIN
Co-producer: Thedor Kapnas
Mixing: Jens Ladekarl
Mastering: Matt Colton
Lyrics: Jasmin Mote, Marianna Nagata and Tamara mneney
Photo: Beinta á Torkilsheyggi
Styling: Sára Sondum
Graphic design: Kirstin Helgadóttir
1 killing time
Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). You can check it out on the player below.