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English: Necrolepsia was formed around the turn of 2016/17 on Suðuroy, the southernmost of the Faroe Islands, and features drummer Sigurd Justinussen, bassist Finnur Nielsen and guitarist/singer John Åge FrostThe project was formed partly as a response to the open call for participating bands at the 2017 Wacken Metal Battle music competition.The band is comprised of people who have contributed greatly to the Faroese rock and metal scene over the last 15 years, in projects such as Asyllex, Earth Divide, Goresquad, Hamferð, Hamradun and more.Following the Wacken Metal Battle, performances were given at G! Festival 2017 and at Svartsalt’s debut release concert. After this, the project has been dormant, but more material has slowly been accumulated.

Føroyskt: Necrolepsia var stovnað um ársskiftið 2016/2017 á Suðuroy, og hevur við sær trummara Sigurd Justinussen, bassist Finnur Nielsen og gittarist/sangara John Åge Frost.Orkestrið var sett á stovn partvís í samband við tónleikakappingina Wacken Metal Battle Føroyar.Necrolepsia er samansett av monnum, sum hava verið við til nógv av føroyskum rokk og metaltónleiki tey seinastu 15 árini, í orkestrum sum Asyllex, Earth Divide, Goresquad, Hamferð, Hamradun og øðrum.AftanáWacken Metal Battle Føroyar hava teir spælt konsertir á G! Festival 2017, og til útgávukonsertina hjá Svartsalt. Aftaná hettar hevur verkætlanin verið í dvala, men alsamt meira tilfar er spakuliga komið afturat.